
Day guests and day parking

Marked parking spaces are available for day guests arriving by car. Parking spaces for Vespas or other mopeds/bikes are available free of charge. Please follow the instructions of the security staff. 

Day guest admission: CHF. 35.- per person 

Thursday - 15 June

00:00-24:00 –Guarded parking 

09:00-22:00 –Registration

09:30-21:00 –Traders' stands

09:30-21:00 –Workshop

10:00-18:00 –Vespa museum 

14:00 –Official opening VWD 2023

16:00 –DJ Spruzzi

20:00 – Andrea Costa

22:00 –The Redgraves

23:30  –DJ Hr. Wempe


2 full-day excursions 

4 half-day excursions in the morning 

4 half-day excursions in the afternoon

Friday - 16 June 

00:00-24:00 –Guarded parking

09:00-22:00 –Registration

09:30-21:00 –Traders' stands 

09:30-21:00 –Workshop

10:00-18:00 –Vespa museum

14:00-16:00 –Uniformity driving course
16:30-18:00 –Gymkhana  

16:00 –DJ Spruzzi

20:00 –Bonnie Tiger

22:00 –The Hillibilly Moon Explosion

23:30  –DJ Mad Mike


2 full-day excursions 

4 half-day excursions in the morning 

4 half-day excursions in the afternoon

Saturday - 17 June

00:00-24:00 –Guarded parking

09:00-22:00 –Registration 

09:30-21:00 –Traders' stands

10:00-18:00 –Gymkhana

09:30-21:00 –Workshop

10:00-18:00 –Vespa museum 

09:00-11:00 –Uniformity driving course
11:00-13:00 –Gymkhana  
14:00-16:00 –Gymkhana  
16:30-18:30 –Uniformity driving course

10:00-11:00  –Airfield-Run

15:00-18:00 –Concours d'Elégance 

16:00 –DJ Spruzzi

19:00 –Gala dinner - Kursaal 

20:00 –Peek A Boo

22:00 –Award cremeny

22:30 –Sir Jay & the Skatanauts

24:00  –DJ Jay Moonlitegroover

Shuttle Bus 

Vespa Village <–> Interlaken, Saturday from 12:00-15:00h/17:00-19:00h

Sunday - 18 June 

00:00-14:00 –Guarded parking

09:00-14:00 –Registration 

09:30-14:00 –Traders' stands 

09:30-14:00 –Workshop

10:00-14:00 –Vespa museum

14:00 –Closing ceremony

More about the DJs and bands: